Building the

future together

  • The Complete Guide to Choosing the Best Outdoor Tile

    Patios are one of the outdoor living spaces that add the most value to your home. But before you can start setting up your furniture, water features, or fire pits, you need to install the tile floor first. Deciding on the right type of floor can be a daunting process if you don't know what you should be looking...
  • Subfloor for Tile Installation: Everything You Need to Know

    A recent study showed that 57% of Americans viewed their homes a "work in progress."Millions of homeowners would love the comfort, sophistication, and cleanliness of a renovated kitchen or bathroom. A new floor will add a gleaming, polished touch to your home. The tile installation may not be as difficult as yo...
  • Different types of tile: What’s the difference?

    We live in an age where choices are in abundance. From the toothpaste we buy to the coffee we drink, sometimes it may seem like there are too many options to choose from, and a tile installation comes with just as many options as anything else. When it comes to renovating a home, the possibilities are endless. In tr...
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