Building the

future together

  • How to Build a Retaining Wall: Top Tips for Professionals

    how to build a retaining wall
    If you want to build a retaining wall in the UK, especially if it's a larger and more complex project, it's generally best left to professionals. However, if you have experience in construction and want to attempt it yourself, it's essential learn how to tile it and to follow proper guidelines to ensure safety and l...
  • Concrete Base: How to Lay It and What Tools You Need

    concrete base
    Laying a concrete base in the UK follows a standard process that involves preparing the site, creating formwork/shuttering, mixing, and pouring the concrete, and finishing the surface. It’s key to know how to tile and install a concrete base, and in this blog, we will outline a step-by-step guide to ensure success w...
  • What is the difference between mortar and cement: everything you need to know

    What's the difference between mortar and cement?
    The terms mortar and cement can be confusing when learning how to tile. Even for some professionals, it is sometimes difficult to explain the difference between mortar and cement. Many people tend to define both materials as substances that are used in construction to harden a surface or used as an adhe...
  • How to use a Rubbish Chute

    rubbish chute
    You might be thinking that everyone knows this important aspect of working on a construction or home improvement site, but not everyone understands the importance of something as simple as a rubbish chute. So, whether you’re learning how to tile or a construction site veteran, let’s shed some light on this simpl...
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