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how to lay herringbone tile

How to Lay Herringbone Tile: Patterns and Tips

There’s one specific tile pattern that has taken the tile installation industry by storm—herringbone! It is a simple yet unique pattern that will add design value to any room.

how to lay herringbone tile

According to King and Allen, the pattern dates back to the Roman Empire. Built on top of crushed stone, it is extremely stable and durable. As its popularity has spiked, many homeowners are looking to have herringbone incorporated within their spaces.

Learning how to lay herringbone tile is a great skill that will increase profits and build the reputation of your business. Do you know how to execute this popular trend?




How to Lay Herringbone Tile: Different Herringbone Patterns

Find out how the different patterns of herringbone can be incorporated into a client’s home. Regardless of whether it is installed in the living room or the bathroom, it creates a great stylistic moment everyone can enjoy.

Diagonal Pattern to Create Movement

Tile installation that places emphasis on diagonal patterns will take a little extra work, but it is worth the time in the long run. This pattern leads the eye to the corners of a room instead of the walls, which creates the illusion of more space.

When you want to add a unique appeal that homeowners will really notice, opt for this diagonal pattern.

Single Herringbone

A single herringbone pattern is more subtle and adds personality without being overwhelming. Herringbone has a way of appearing elegant without the added price tag that elegance often requires. It is a great way to add simple style to every home.

Double Herringbone

Double herringbone adds width that expands a room. This pattern creates a historic and spacious feel, even in the smallest of rooms. It is ideal for bathroom floors and shower enclosures.

Honorable Mentions That Will Wow Every Client

Wowing your clients will be easy once you understand the rooms in which these patterns will really shine. Below are some honorable mentions that have become popular in the interior design industry.

Ombre Patterns That Fade Into Fabulous

The ombre look is a perfect way to add a show-stopping and fun kitchen backsplashes bathroom floor, or shower tile. This pattern integrates various colors, ranging from dark to light, to add more personality to the space.

The beauty of this pattern lies in how it is introduced. Subtle and soft, to bold and bright!

Sturdy Wood Herringbone Flooring

Just like a herring moves through the water, this diagonal pattern provides movement. When strategically placed, this pattern will lead the eye toward the object you want to highlight. In the kitchen, that could mean the oven, and in the bathroom, it could mean a clawfoot tub.

Terracotta Farmhouse Backsplash

The rustic charm and versatility of farmhouse backsplashes well known. This popular option is perfect for public spaces like kitchens and living rooms because of the welcoming and warm environment they create.

Tangible Tips for How to Lay Herringbone Tile

how to lay herringbone tile

Are you diving into herringbone tile installation? Keep these tips in mind before you start.

Use a Reliable Saw or Cutter to Make Proper Cuts

RUBI has a variety of tile saws and manual cutters with rotating squares that are perfect for the job. Your finishing cuts will be perfectly straight when you use the proper tools. With the amount of time you put into the project, you want to guarantee everything is flawless.

Ensuring you have the proper saw or cutter for the tile job will make all the difference.

Create a Template

Herringbone tile installation often means making a lot of cuts. Creating a template will help you avoid any mistakes. Having a general template will also be helpful because you can reuse it in other projects that have herringbone tile.  

You can also check out tile cutters, which will make installation smoother. They will be perfect when cutting mosaic tile for a backsplash. They can also be cheaper than keeping a wet saw on hand.  

Prepare for Battle 

Figuring out how to lay herringbone tile is all about finding the center point. Producing the streamlined, symmetrical pattern that makes herringbone so visually appealing is easy once you identify the center point of the room. 

Identifying the center makes the rest of the job easy. This simple practice will enhance your finished product and overall look. 

Use Spacers to Increase Uniformity 

Installing herringbone requires a little more time than what is normally required. It may be tempting to skip using spacers to save on time, but using them will allow you to be more consistent and intentional with the design. 

The flexibility that spacers provide will add depth to your project. You can opt for a thin line of grout or go for a thicker grout that adds more drama. 

Mark the Tiles That Need to Be Cut 

So, you have a stack of tiles and you are ready to start the process. Have you marked the ones that need to be cut? 

Marking these tile allows you to make fewer mistakes. Marking also helps you know what scrap pieces you will have leftover for any remaining spaces.

Use Tape When Tiling On a Wall 

Maybe you’ve started tiling the wall and the tiles are starting to slip. You start to panic and you aren’t sure exactly what to do. The simple solution is tape. 

Taping the tiles in place will provide the added security you need until they set. These small details will make you stand out and keep your clients happy. 

Make Your Clients Dreams a Reality 

Herringbone is known for leading the eye and creating a textured, worn-in look. Using simple subway tile, you can create an elevated look that has and character and that many homeowners search for.

To learn more about how to lay herringbone tile, visit our website today. We’re the world’s leading manufacturer of premium tile tools. When the time comes to install tile, you’ll have everything you need to succeed. 

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